Sunday, September 28, 2008

My Cell Phone is Broken but Clean!

I dont know any of them by memory and there is no way to get them from my phone!

Ellie decided to wash my cell phone, so now it doesn't work. It actually hasn't worked since last Thursday, so I hope you haven't called!

I've used this opportunity to switch providers and to get a local number. Bye, bye Sprint, my carrier of an entire decade!

I've switched to Verizon and should receive my new phone in the mail in a few days. I made way too big of a deal about trying to decide between Verizon and AT&T! Thanks Shannon for trying to help me, and for laughing at me! I deserved the teasing, but now I think you told me to go to Verizon because that's what you use. Conflict of interest???

After several hours of seriously fretting over the subject, I realized that it's just not that big of a deal!! Sometimes, I get so caught up in the details that I forget how small the issue is!!

Anyway, I'll send you my new number if you'll send me yours!!

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