Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Arboretum

Ellie watches as Chris pretends to get lost in the hay maze. She looks mezmerized by her Daddy!

We took a trip to the Arboretum this weekend for the fall pumpkin patch! They had a band playing music, and it was a beautiful day! While we listened to the music and relaxed, Kevin kept walking about 20 feet away and standing right by another family! We sent Ellie down to get him once, and she thought she was so big!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Ah, it makes miss our days in Half Moon Bay, at Lemos Farms, and all of the fun we had at Stanford. Great pictures. Isn't it fun to have the older sibling help out with the younger sibbling? They feel so proud to help out. Arden really likes to round up Mayita at church. What a good sister Ellie is!