Monday, August 10, 2009

Going to work naked?!?!

In this story, Ellie is using the work "you" as in "you, in general", not me!

While we were waiting outside Blockbuster for Chris to pick out a movie, I showed Ellie a shirt I had just purchased for myself. After a few minutes of silence, Ellie said, "Mommy, I just realized something very bad," in a very distressed voice.

"To buy clothes, you have to have money. Daddy said you get money by going to work, and when your work is all finished your boss gives you money. But if you don't have any money and you get a job to make money, you won't be able to buy panties or shorts or a shirt or shoes. So, you'll have to go to work naked because you won't have any money to buy the clothes you need because you haven't been to work yet. Your boss won't want you to go to work naked. So what will you do? How will you get any money? This is very, very serious."

I just love these kind of conversations with Ellie. She has such a black and white perspective. She is so literal. She's also very logical, and I love to watch her break down a problem! Usually she comes up with creative solutions, but this time, she was just perplexed!


SB said...

...and she is super smart to have thought through all those steps, understood them and come to that conclusion! hilarious!

Karen said...

That's pretty impressive logical thinking.