Monday, August 17, 2009

A Few Cute Things about Kevin

I wanted to get these things written down for his baby book...

Kevin thinks that Carter means you've done something wrong. When he gets upset with me or Ellie or anyone else, he says, "Carter NO!" I guess he's heard me say in disappointment, "Kevin Carter..." too many times! When I took him to the dentist, Dr. Roy came in and said, "You must be Kevin J Carter." I think that put the good doc off to a bad start with Kevin. Kevin refused to cooperate and eventually bit him!! This dentist is super calm and relaxing, so it is a little funny remembering it now because Dr. Roy was saying, "Ow, ow, ow..." and shaking his finger! I had to pry Kevin's mouth open! He had a good bite going!

A couple of months ago, I knew Kevin was really capable of saying what was on his mind when I asked him what he wanted me to order him for dinner, "a hamburger or a hot dog." He said, "Pizza." It seems so simple, but it was a big step for him!

He loves to go into the playroom and say, "Happy." He's telling me that he's about to start his CD - the first song is "If you're happy and you know it." He dances and loves to shout "Hurray!", while jumping and throwing his hands over head! Of course, he's always a few seconds late on the hurray! During the "If you're happy and you know it" part, he pokes his fingers into his cheeks and smiles, bobbing his head and raising his shoulders.

Today, Kevin said to me several times, "Tetin happy." It's really cute to hear him express an emotion like that. (Tetin means Kevin)

1 comment:

SB said...

I love it, Carter=NO! Andrew and I had nice long laugh about that. Classic. Can't wait to see you guys.