Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ellie Misses Daddy

Tonight before bed, Ellie said...

Ellie: "I wish Daddy would come home so we could have fun."

Me: "Did you not have fun with me today"

Ellie: "Yes, I did, but if Daddy would come home we could even have much more fun."

Me: "Yeah, Daddy is fun. I miss him, too."

Ellie: "Yeah, I miss Daddy. Can you call him and tell him to come home right away (quote from an Elmo Babysitter book she has)!"

Me: He'll be home soon.

E: How do people get on the airplane when they come home from Nineveh (like the biblical place in the book of Jonah)"

M: Daddy's not in Nineveh, he's in Brazil.

E: Oh, well I miss Daddy. He needs to come home right now!

and it continued.

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