Monday, March 10, 2008

Ellie Has a "Little Talk" with Kevin

Ellie earned a sucker last week for behaving so well on our hike. She was eating it in the car seat, and Kevin was very interested. As she held out the sucker for him to see, he reached for it...

Ellie: "Kevin, we need to have a little talk. Oh, I know you want a sucker, but you can't have one. You're just a baby. Maybe when you get to be a big boy, you can have a sucker.... Oh, I know you want a sucker, but you can't have one. You don't always get what you want. (She leans over to give him a kiss - she's not buckled in since we havent left the parking area) I still love you, ok?....... Mommy... Kevin and I just had a little talk."

Can you tell from this that Ellie receives her fair share of "little talks"??? She's got the sequence down... 1) Show Empathy, 2) State the Facts, 3) Affirm (Kiss and "I love you")


SB said...

That is truly laughable. Sometimes I wonder why we are surprised when they mimmick us, but it is just so funny!

Gjovigs said...

okay.. too cute! I love it! I know at some point Elijah will be doing the same thing with Kiana! I'm so glad you record such thing! They are too precious not to!