Monday, March 17, 2008

Day Trip to Monterey

We went to Monterey with friends today! The kids were very well-behaved and seemed to have a great time. Ellie and Daniel argued over which song to sing in the backseat and who could hold the colors. We ended the drive with a discussion about whether or not Ellie was going to keep the Winnie the Pooh book "forever and ever". Daniel said he would sneak in to our house and take it (it is Daniel's book). Ellie said she would then sneak into his room and take it back. But Daniel would just hide it (he says). It would be in vain, however, because Ellie would find it and take it back to keep it forever and ever. And so it continued...

We came home and I went straight upstairs to change Kevin's diaper and clothes (hate disposables... they leak or "blow-out" so much!). It was pretty messy, so I got caught up in trying to figure out how to get the outfit over his head without him inhaling poop. It seemed quiet downstairs, so I called to Ellie. After the third call went unanswered, I went downstairs to find that Ellie was gone. She had gone out the back door to the courtyard and was halfway to Daniel's house. Our neighbor Michele had stopped her because she was running in a sweatshirt and Winnie the Pooh panties (no pants or shoes). Ellie insisted that I was aware that she was on her way to Daniel's house. She must have said she was going, but I didnt hear it from upstairs. As I walked over to her holding a naked Kevin, she then told me she was being "sneaky". She said she was going to sneak into Daniel's room to get the Winnie the Pooh book back. Kids!

1 comment:

SB said...

hilarious! they can sure each give it out as much as they take it, don't you think?!!