Friday, August 8, 2008

Mommy's Labor Force

Lately, I've been encouraging the kids to help me clean the house. Ellie earns quarters for clearing the table after meals and helping me pick up around the house. Kevin earns blueberries for sweeping, eating crumbs off the floor, and drinking the bath water - all of which he loves to do!

Yesterday, Ellie surprised me by putting away the princess coloring book and purchasing a dinosaur coloring book from Walmart with 4 of her freshly earned quarters! We have been doing this for about a month now - offering quarters for good behavior, and it works pretty well. But, we also charge quarters for things like whining and yelling in the car. Ellie's favorite purchase thus far has probably been the two gumballs from the gumball machines. What a delight to turn the knob and receive a big sugary treat!

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