Sunday, July 6, 2008

Final Dish Hike

Ellie and Arden running to the next "bus stop"

Waiting for the strollers to arrive at the "bus stop"

The dish!

Our final dish hike was long and hot! Behind campus, there is a 3.7 mile, hilly hike that I often did - both with and without the kids. My favorite hikes were the ones I took with Karen, Arden, Maya and my kids.

About every 50 feet, there are pedestrian signs to remind people to stay on the path. We called them "bus stops" and pretended the stroller was a bus. The kids (Ellie and Arden) were only allowed to get on or off the bus at one of the bus stops, preventing the kids from getting on and off the stroller every 10 feet! Most of the time, this worked well, but sometimes it didn't! A common problem was arguing over whose bus stop it was. What else can best friends do but argue over such silly things!

Hiking the dish was a great form of exercise - especially when pushing 100 pounds of kids and stroller uphill! But more than that, it was great fun! This will be near the top of most-missed list from my time at Stanford.

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