Thursday, October 4, 2007

Ellie Adjusts...

So, Ellie is still adjusting to her new brother. She is usually very loving to him and doesn't really ever get aggressive with him. But, she started scratching me a few weeks ago. She has even said, "No, mommy. You don't say that. I'm going to scratch you!" Needless to say, I wasn't very happy about this!! This past Monday, she scratched me all the way home from the playground, and it hurt (and bled a little, too).

Time-out and taking away priviledges didn't work at all. I think she enjoyed the negative attention Now, I have started "alone time" in her room. It seems to be working very well. I just act like it doesn't bother me at all that she just made me bleed, and I put her in her room for alone time after saying, "Scratching is never accceptable. I'll come get you when you are ready to behave." She must be like her dad because she HATES alone time! I'm trying not to give her bad behavior any attention.

The scratching seems to have lessened since I started this new approach... Two days with no scratching at all. Until today - I wouldn't let her listen to another song from her "Jesus music" in the car. So, what would Jesus do? Scratch Mommy, of course!

1 comment:

Shannon Morrison said...

your sweet little girl just wants to memorize scripture!!