Saturday, October 20, 2007

My daughter knows me well...

Ask Chris when I am grumpy, and he will tell you, "When she's tired or hungry."

Thursday morning was a hectic morning! I was trying to get Ellie to playschool at her friend's house by 9:00, and I was running behind because I woke up late for my jog. Anyway, whenever I'm in a hurry, she senses it and just tries to annoy me, I think!!

By the time we got out the door and loaded into the car, it was 9:20. I took a deep breath and started the car. Our conversation followed...

Ellie - "Mommy, are you tired?"

Me - "No, I'm not tired, Ellie." (Still sounding a little exasperated)

Ellie - "Oh, then Mommy are you hungry?"

Me - "No, I'm not hungry, Ellie." (At this point, I knew where she was going with this line of questioning!)

Ellie - "Then, Mommy why are you talking mad?"

Me - "I'm still upset about your behavior this morning."

Ellie - "But I said, 'I'm sorry.' Can't you forgive me?" (A little whiny)

Me - "You're right, Ellie. I do forgive you." (Sounding apologetic)

Ellie - "Now, you can be happy. You better be happy, or I'll put you into a POT!"

1 comment:

Shannon Morrison said...

is this some sort of punishment that you do to ellie? put her in pots. sounds painful.