Saturday, May 16, 2009

May 1 - 16

We took a trip back to Stanford for the 1-year reunion in the beginning of May. A one-year reunions seems silly, but it is really a lot of fun to see everyone again. We made some really good friends there, so getting to see them again was a treat!

It was a little bit surreal in that it felt like we had never left - all the same people doing all the same things in the same places, easy conversation, comfortable surroundings. I do miss the great friends and beauty of living at Stanford, but I am happy here. Ellie has some great friends, we have room to breathe in our house (I had forgotten how small our place was there!), I'm enjoying our community, and I've made a few great friends here as well.

Ellie picked up right where she left off with her friends! There was a carnival on campus with pony rides, a petting zoo, and treats! Ellie was in heaven! I was off doing something, and I went looking for Ellie to find her petting and holding a GIANT albino snake. It was HUGE! She has no fear when it comes to animals!

We stayed with Chris's brother and his wife in Berkeley. They were so sweet to host us for the weekend! Ellie loves Uncle Tim and Aunt Jodi! Spending time with them is always great for Ellie.

Kevin caught what I like to call "the vomit virus" on our second day there. He puked at the carnival twice and then two times on the drive back to Berkeley and once more in the middle of the night! Fortunately, he was puke-free for the plane ride and none of us caught the bug. Granny was not so fortunate, however. She was in town visiting also and was so kind to offer to watch Kevin so we could go to the reunion dinner that evening. But she caught the bug a few days later. Sorry about that. But we did have a great time at the dinner, so thanks so much for helping out!

"Kevin, don't get into the cake balls." Then, I turned around to do something. He had gotten the stool out of Ellie's room, carried it to the kitchen, climbed up and began eating the cake balls! He's dangerous with those stools!

Ellie gave Kevin a very big bubble hat. It rained all day today, so we took two baths! Kevin has started to copy everything we say, so it was really cute to hear him talking about the "bubbles"! When he was ready to get out of the bath, he kept calling, "Mommy out. Mommy out."

This morning, he also told me that he wanted to play. I said, "Do you want to take a bath." Shaking his head, "No bath, no bath." So, we went downstairs to join Ellie watching Dora. Kevin sat there for 2 seconds and then said, "mmmm want play, mmmmm want play." So, we went to the playroom and built towers with blocks! He's becoming very communicative, even if I'm the only one who can understand him!!

Oh, and I forgot to mention in April's post, that he began saying, "Daddy Low," which used to mean Daddy love. Chris often says, "Daddy loves you," to Kevin. So, we think he was copying this. But because we got so excited when he'd say it, "daddy low" turned into "hey, give me some attention!"

Ellie and Sophia pretending to be baby tigers.

After almost 10 years, I have finally been able to setup my 60-gallon freshwater aquarium! My dad gave me this shortly before he passed away (and I think my mom may have paid for some of it, too. Not sure. I'll have to ask!) I was only 11 or 12, but I maintained it on my own until I was 19. Due to moving every year, it was too much trouble to keep the tank. So, it's been at my mom's house since 1998. I can remember laying in my bed at night and just watching the fish swim around. I loved it!

I sanded and re-stained the aquarium stand last week, and we bought the things required to get the tank started on Mother's Day. I have 20 "starter" fish in there now. They should be there for about a month before the water stabilizes so I can be more sure not to lose any fish. After the month is up, I'll take back these "hardy" fish that are breaking in (or cycling) the water and exchange them for some african cichlids. I'm very excited to have the aquarium back!

The kids LOVE feeding the fish and sticking their fingers through the hole in the lid so the fish can "kiss" them. We made a paper aquarium for Ellie to hang in her play room. Kevin found the real fish food, opened it, and poured all of it out - on top of the paper aquarium! Their minds are just so cute at this age!

So far this week, the neighborhood kids have come by every day to check on the progress and some have offered to give us their fish.

This is a pic of some african cichlids below...

Kevin being silly. He got this bowl out on his own and climbed in with a big smile. Notice the Christmas Elvis Dancing and Singing bear in the background! He still loves that thing!

1 comment:

Karen said...

We're sorry we got Kevin sick. We did have a lot of fun hanging out with you. Too bad the time was too short. I guess we still need to plan a get together sometime. We're thinking of going camping this Memorial Day tradition of going camping to a National Park, like we've done the past two years with your family. Arden asked if you guys could come over and camp with us.
PS thanks for the catch up on your blog. I'm still working on trying to catch up on mine.