Thursday, July 26, 2007

Eddie or ELLLL-ee?

No new photos, now. The camera is in my trunk waiting for the baby to arrive!! My mom and nephew came to visit on Tuesday, so hopefully she will share some photos with me soon so that I can share with you!

One story I have been wanting to tell... Last month, we started trying to teach Ellie how to say her name. When she said it, it always sounded like Eddie! So, we started teasing her by calling her Eddie. She would say, "Noooooo, I'm not Eddie. I'm Eddie (trying to say Ellie the second time but still sounding like Eddie)!" I wish I would have gotten it on camera. Oh well! So, we taught her to annunciate the "L" more. So, for a while, she said her name was "ELLLL - ee". Now, she just barely over annunciates the "El" sound. But I still smile every time she says it because it still reminds me of the "ELLLL - ee" days.

1 comment:

Sara Carolina said...

so cute! Isabella calls herself Isa-Bena. It's really cute, and we've been working on the L for a while too.