Sunday, March 21, 2010

February Snow!!

Day 2

Day 1

Here are some pics of our second snow this year. This winter brought lots of special weather for us!! It rarely snows here, so 3 snow storms in one year is a big surprise! It might have been 4 snow storms! After a while, you lose count!

We had a city record of 12.5 inches in a 24-hour period! We were without power for almost 24 hours. Chris was out of town and missed most of the fun! Our neighbors across the street had power, so they invited us an egg breakfast with some other neighbors. I don't like being without power, so I was a little scared at night! I ended up with all 3 kids in bed with me because their flashlight went out in their bedroom, and they woke up screaming!!!
Matthew was only 2 weeks old, so I was focused on keeping him warm!

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