Thursday, October 29, 2009

New Baby 21 weeks - Sept

I'm so behind on my belly pics, but I do have this one from 6 weeks ago! Maybe a Halloween baby belly shot will be next!
All the complications have cleared up, and the baby seems to be growing as it should! I guess I need to post the ultrasound pics also.
The pregnancy has been very similar to the others except that my hands are falling asleep every night! I feel much more swollen this time. I had to quit wearing my wedding ring near 18 weeks, but I wore it until the end with Ellie and until the last month with Kevin. I've been told that the numbness at night is due to swelling and its impact on the nerves. I guess I really am more swollen than the other pregnancies!


Karen said...

You still look gorgeous. Miss you.

Gjovigs said...

you look awesome.. your fooling me because you don't look swollen at all! You are so beautiful!!!