Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Kevin Sleeps in "Big Boy Bed"

After Ellie and Kevin spent a late afternoon playing "night night" in Kevin's crib, Kevin has become proficient in climbing out of his crib. He had never even attempted to get out of it until he saw how easy Ellie makes it look! It's not really in his personality to challenge the status quo. Now that we can't keep him in his crib for anything, we decided to move him to the trundle bed. He's sleeping great in it, but he's not nearly as cooperative as Ellie who only recently began getting out of bed without permission!!
He runs out of bed and stands at the top of the stairs crying. From the couch, we say, "Kevin go back to bed." He hikes his shoulders and runs back to his bed, only to emerge a few seconds later to repeat the cycle! After about 10 to 15 times, he goes to sleep!

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