Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Kevin - 5 months

Kevin is now five months old. At his four-month appointment, he had the following stats...

17.01 pounds (81st percentile)

26.5 inches (89th percentile)

He really wants to eat my food! He grabs for the fork with his mouth wide open if he's in my lap while I'm eating! He only has a few more weeks before his first big meal!!

He has started to babble da-da-da-da this week. Chris and I were laying in bed, both pretending not to hear Kevin awake in his crib, but when Kevin said, "Da-da", Chris jumped out of bed to get him!! Although we both know that Kevin wasn't really calling Chris because he's too young, it was still very cute!!

He seems much more purposeful in his grabbing at toys now. He has favorite toys - a crinkly-souding book from Grandma, a cow from Ellie, etc.
He has no teeth and no sign of their upcoming arrival, which is fine by me!
He can scoot about a foot or so to get to a toy or just to move around. He puts his bum high in the air, his knees in, and somehow propels himself forward. It's a big effort for such a little gain in position, but I guess he's learning! He's an expert roller. He can get anywhere he wants just rolling all over the place!

He is still a happy, happy baby. At the store, people will stop me and say, "He was just staring at me smiling." He loves his big sister and thinks she is so funny! She loves him, too. At least 10 times a day, she says, "I just love my little brudder (brother). I'm so glad he's my brudder. I will love him forever." She says this as she lays on top of him nearly crushing him.

He is recovering from RSV, a severe respitory virus. Despite the wheezing, rapid heart rate, rapid breathing, and severe congestion, he never stopped smiling!! He lost his voice, so when he cried (which was very rare and usually indicated hunger), his face would turn red and no cry would come out. He looked really pathetic. He is feeling much better now.

Before RSV, he was a great sleeper. He fell asleep on his own and slept long stretches at night. Now, however, he is waking up often due to the coughing. I hope he gets back on schedule once he is fully recovered from RSV.

He is such a sweet baby and real joy. I love to just stare at him and his cuteness (as you can tell I love the close-up face shots!)! We love him tremendously!

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