Thursday, November 1, 2007


Ellie was supposed to be a cow. She picked out the cow outfit before we left Texas. She slept in it and wanted to wear it everywhere for two weeks. But when it came time to dress up for Halloween, Ellie wanted to be a princess. I tried to make her a cow. I put the outfit on her and told her how great it looked. She sat on the floor and cried. I gave in. She was a princess.

It was really worth it. She was so proud, and she thought she was so beautiful. She decided that Chris was her prince and called him Prince all night. It was really sweet. I asked her if she wanted to wear a crown, and she said, "No, I tink I'm beautiful just the way I am." Very cute... You can tell she's had lots of coaching by Daddy!

At our courtyard party, we had pizza, made rice crispy treat spiders, played, and went trick-or-treating.

Kevin made a great cow. We had a really fun night.

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