Sunday, May 6, 2007

Water Play, Pillow Fun, Cookies, Eggs, Toast-A-Thon

Water Balloons and Sprinklers... Ellie was scared of the sprinklers, but we finally convinced her to at least try a sip since she didn't want to run in them!

Ellie and I made cookies on Saturday. She enjoyed tasting the flour, salt, and baking soda mixture. She kept saying... "It's yummy!"

Mommy's little helpers... Chris and Ellie are vacuuming for me since my back was hurting!

Ellie 's first simile... She crushed her egg yolk with her hand, and it broke into chunks. Then, excitedly she said, "My hand is like a knife (or yife)!" This pic is after her hand had become like a mallet!

Ellie, Arden, and Lauren had a great time on Thursday's playdate... We put the couch pillows on the floor, and the kids jumped and danced to Ellie's CD from music class. "Where, oh where, oh where is Suzie... Way down yonder in the paw-paw patch..."

Ellie and Arden get a little crazy! What a surprise!
The Great Toast-A-Thon... Last Sunday, Ellie had 6 pieces of toast for brunch. That's a lot of carbs for a two-year old! Her great grandfather, my pawpaw, would appreciate this story since he loves to tell the tale of when I ate an entire loaf of bread - or something like that!

1 comment:

Sara Carolina said...

I think the 1st picture is my favorite - she's so stinkin' cute!!